Thursday, April 7, 2022

Blog 4 Part 2 : EOTO Presentations What I learned

        In class today each group presented their EOTO Projects. It was very informational, and I enjoyed hearing from the different groups. For example, Group 1’s presentation stuck out to me as it was well written and very detailed. I especially enjoyed listening to their Bluetooth and Netflix sections. I am a big fan of Bluetooth.  Bluetooth is a wireless technology which you can use on your mobile devices. I love my Bluetooth speakers and Air pods. I appreciate the convenience of not having your phone attached to the device while communicating, connecting to Bluetooth makes this a lot easier. I use Bluetooth Apple Air pods while working out. My Apple Air pods are a big necessity for me. I like being able to move around and stretch, without the feeling of restriction from the headphone wires. The older headphones with the wires would hurt my ears and I could only use them for a short amount of time. With my Air pods, this isn’t the case. 

       Not only do they provide me comfort, but my Air pods allow me to connect to my phone and complete tasks without my phone in reach which I like. Bluetooth makes communication and entrainment very easy. I believe Bluetooth has improved our society for the better. I see many students with Bluetooth headphones around campus listening to music and talking. I feel this invention has brought people together and focuses upon better communication. However, I was unaware of Bluetooth’s disadvantages. Such as, Bluetooth’s poor security and limitation issues. I have never run into an issue with my Bluetooth devices. I was shocked when Kennedy said in her dorm using Bluetooth, she can connect to all her dorm's tv’s with a click of a button! This is scary to me because I wouldn’t want strangers connecting to my devices and gathering private information from my devices. I do agree that the future of Bluetooth is ongoing. Bluetooth has no other competitors that has invented an even better feature, which makes them a huge success today in the technology industry. 


        Netflix was another topic that I found fascinating. Their group presented a timeline of Netflix’s success which I thought was visually appealing. Netflix is a popular entertainment company where you can access movies and shows with a subscription. I have had Netflix for a couple years now and I love it. I believe Netflix is the reason why many families don’t use cable anymore. I love the convenience of Netflix. I enjoy downloading movies for free which I can watch while traveling. This makes it most cost effective rather than buying movies for additional prices through other apps. I was excited to learn that Netflix is going to offer games in the future! Also, there’s talk about possibly bundling with other corporations. I investigated this, and I found on Netflix’s About section on their website it talks about future announcements for the company. It stated, "We love games, whether it's physical games, mind games, or Squid Game. And we love entertaining our members. That's why we're excited to take our first step in launching Netflix games on mobile to the world" (Netflix). I think this feature is a great addition to Netflix and will launch their company into even greater success. All you need for this new feature is a standard Netflix subscription. I was surprised to read that this new feature will not increase your monthly plan. I also read that these new games are only available for Android and iOS devices. I think they should expand this access even further for other gaming consoles, such as Xbox. Not to mention, just like their free downloads with shows,  you can also download games to play when WIFI is not available. I think this is a great direction for Netflix and will promote them for the years to come. 

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Blog 12 : Final Presentation

          My relationship with technology first started when I was in the fifth grade. My parents surprised my sister and I on Christmas and...