Monday, March 21, 2022

Blog 2 : Supreme Court

1.) What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

In the first part of the supreme court video, it discussed the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was organized to help give equal protection to citizens. However, I was not aware that the 14th Amendment is also known as the second bill of rights? Today, the 14th amendment protects citizens from “excesses of state power” (Supreme Court Youtube Video Part 1). 

2.) What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

The most important takeaway I learned from watching the videos is how crucial the Supreme Court truly is for our country. The Supreme Court is a coequal branch of government that interprets and upholds the constitution. Its purpose is to maintain the rule of law that protects our freedoms. I believe the most important point is that the court’s real power originates in the American people’s trust. 

3.) What was the most surprising thing you learned? 

The most surprising thing I learned during the first part of the video is that the “Supreme Court receives more than a hundred new cases every week, about 7,000 a year” (Supreme Court Youtube Part 1 Video). However, only a select few of them get pulled for full consideration. It was interesting that the Supreme Court cannot address issues until a case is brought to them. Also, towards the end of the first part of the supreme court video, one of the Justices explained a system he put in place for the court. His system was that everyone must speak once, before you can speak twice. I agree with this and feel that it's a fair way for all 9 justices to get an equal chance to share their ideas, and be heard.

4.) How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

I visited the supreme court during my 8th grade trip in Washington , D.C.. At the time, I’m not sure how much of it I really understood. Although, after discussing it  in class and after reviewing the youtube videos, I now have a better understanding of the role of the Supreme Court.  I have a new respect for how a case is determined. From the review, to oral arguments, opinion writing, and finally to its final ruling. The courts ensure the public can’t influence the decisions. For example, supreme court meetings are “conversation with itself through the intermediary of the attorney”  (Supreme Court Youtube Video Part 2).  


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