Thursday, March 31, 2022

Blog 4 Part 1: EOTO Apple iPhone

         Do you have an iPhone? I’m sure most people today either have an iPhone or have at least one Apple product. Apple is one of the most well-known and popular technology companies in the world. What started their success was the introduction of the first “iPhone”. I remember when I was in elementary school, and my dad came home with the first iPhone model. Having seen nothing like it before, I was quickly memorized by it, along with the rest of the world. As a result, The Apple iPhone was first introduced to viewers on January 9, 2007. However, it was not released publicly until June 29, 2007. According to an Appleinsider article, “here in the US the first iPhone was priced at $499 and $599, for 4GB and 8GB models” (Appleinsider). Steve Jobs was the CEO at the time and helped design the first iPhone. Jobs was one of the three founders for Apple’s company. 
        An article published on Verizon’s website found that Jobs introduced the iPhone as a “combination of the iPod, a revolutionary mobile phone, and a breakthrough communicator” (Verizon Website). Jobs ultimately wanted to develop his own smartphone but wanted to incorporate functions from their successful iPod product. As for the iPhone’s features, the first iPhone consisted of a 3.5’’ touch screen, a microphone, headset controls, and a camera.  Jobs wanted to get rid of the stereotypical sliding keyboard and buttons seen on past smartphones. He wanted to have a fully functioning multipurpose touch screen display. Although, the iPhone had some major advancements, it did come with some setbacks. The product was very small and was hard for some to operate. It also did not come with an apple store app like we have today. No apple store meant no third-party apps. Such as Instagram and Twitter. Not to mention, its price point was quite expensive compared to other smartphones on the market.

        What made this product so special and beneficial to viewers was because before iPhones, smartphones were just kind of generic and didn’t have that overall “wow factor “to them. Jobs forever changed the development and construction of smartphones. Other smartphone companies doubted Jobs' product and wanted it to fail. In an interview, Microsoft CEO at the time, Steve Ballmer, stated the “iPhone has no chance of talking over the smartphone market” (Appleinsider). However, Jobs proved all wrong, and is heavily known for his research and impacts in technology. Jobs forever changed and set the tone for the smartphone market. Today, there have been 34 different models of iPhones. 

        I am a huge fan of Apple. I have had several different models of the iPhone, along with other Apple products. The iPhone has allowed communication with others faster and more efficiently. I appreciate the simplicity of their models and how easy an iPhone is to operate. iPhones have changed our communication skills for the better. I don’t know what I would do without my iPhone. I communicate with friends and family, shop, create, listen to music, make deposits, at any time or anywhere. Sadly, the iPhone has left a negative pact on society. Today, I feel some of us are too invested in their phones and cannot communicate face to face properly and lack social awareness. Especially in the younger generations as they are fully dependent on phones and social media. Social media is a huge factor and has a lot of false image and cyberbullying. I feel the iPhone is a tremendous tool and has done a lot for society, but on the other hand I feel as a society we need to take a step back from it at times and enjoy what’s in front of us.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Blog 3 : Eight Values of Free Expression

        After discussing the eight values of free expression in class, I feel the one that is most key is individual self-fulfillment. Individual self-fulfillment focuses on human liberty and freedom of speech. Here in the US, we are allowed to think, believe, and speak our minds freely! However, there may be people who disagree with you, but that’s ok. With the help of the government and the first amendment, your rights are protected. In other words, the government cannot tell you what to believe in or what to say. I feel this theory most resonates with me because I enjoy having the freedom and ability to believe in whatever I want. I enjoy posting my opinions online and am not afraid to speak up about how I feel. Individual self-fulfillment allows me to showcase my opinions openly and advocate for myself. However, I believe our freedom doesn’t give us the right to be disrespectful. I believe our society has the responsibility to act in an ethical manner and understand the power of our words. We witnessed this during our 2020 election. The careless use of words arguably contributed to the riots at the US Capitol on January 6th. 

        Freedom has multiple points of view. As a country we can interact with these different expressions and find others who share similar views. I enjoy hearing from people or different groups who offer opposing opinions. Learning these different perspectives, I can expand upon my own knowledge. I have seen this greatly within the past year with the rise of COVID numbers and the vaccine debate. Having been hospitalized with Covid and experienced the isolation that goes along with it, I am very much a supporter of the vaccine. However, I feel people should have the choice whether to be vaccinated. Our government should not have the power over individual healthcare. I feel everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if someone does not agree, who are we or the government to judge them for it. Society should be able to hear both sides of the vaccine mandate without fear or retribution. 


As I researched some free speech cases, I found a New York Times article, about a former cheerleader, Brandi Levy. Levy did not make her high school's varsity cheer team and decided to take anger and frustration out using social media. Her post was quickly shared and brought to the school's attention. Levy’s post resulted in her getting suspended from the team for an entire year. Levy was angered and voiced her objections to her discipline in the school district. Sadly, the school didn’t waiver on its decision. Levy’s case eventually went to the Supreme Court. It was determined that since there was not a threat to the school, to an individual, and took place after school hours and off property that the school district violated Levy’s freedom of speech. As much as I dislike the manner in which she expressed herself she did have a basic right to do so.


Levy won the case. In the article it states that, “the court said the First Amendment did not allow public schools to punish students for speech outside school grounds, relying on precedent from a different era” (Liptak). I agree with the court, students should be able to express their emotions freely. Schools do not have the authority to censor students outside of school hours unless a direct threat was made to another student or staff member. David Cole, a legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, also represented Levy in court. Cole stated in the article, “the case was a triumph for the First Amendment. Protecting people’s free speech rights when they are outside of school is vital” (Liptak). He also said that “this is a huge victory for the free speech rights of millions” (Liptak).  I agree with Cole, students need to voice their opinions when something is unfair within their school district. In school, students need to be respectful when voicing their opinions with their peers, teachers, and administrators without fear of punishment. This is a fundamental right guaranteed under the First Amendment. 






Monday, March 21, 2022

Blog 2 : Supreme Court

1.) What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

In the first part of the supreme court video, it discussed the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was organized to help give equal protection to citizens. However, I was not aware that the 14th Amendment is also known as the second bill of rights? Today, the 14th amendment protects citizens from “excesses of state power” (Supreme Court Youtube Video Part 1). 

2.) What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

The most important takeaway I learned from watching the videos is how crucial the Supreme Court truly is for our country. The Supreme Court is a coequal branch of government that interprets and upholds the constitution. Its purpose is to maintain the rule of law that protects our freedoms. I believe the most important point is that the court’s real power originates in the American people’s trust. 

3.) What was the most surprising thing you learned? 

The most surprising thing I learned during the first part of the video is that the “Supreme Court receives more than a hundred new cases every week, about 7,000 a year” (Supreme Court Youtube Part 1 Video). However, only a select few of them get pulled for full consideration. It was interesting that the Supreme Court cannot address issues until a case is brought to them. Also, towards the end of the first part of the supreme court video, one of the Justices explained a system he put in place for the court. His system was that everyone must speak once, before you can speak twice. I agree with this and feel that it's a fair way for all 9 justices to get an equal chance to share their ideas, and be heard.

4.) How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

I visited the supreme court during my 8th grade trip in Washington , D.C.. At the time, I’m not sure how much of it I really understood. Although, after discussing it  in class and after reviewing the youtube videos, I now have a better understanding of the role of the Supreme Court.  I have a new respect for how a case is determined. From the review, to oral arguments, opinion writing, and finally to its final ruling. The courts ensure the public can’t influence the decisions. For example, supreme court meetings are “conversation with itself through the intermediary of the attorney”  (Supreme Court Youtube Video Part 2).  


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Blog 1 : Five Top Sources Of News



CNN stands for “Cable News Network” (CNN). However, I’m not sure at times how accurate their information is. I do like how efficient they are with getting their news out. I like being able to get breaking news fast. I actually get notifications on my phone and laptop from CNN daily. Therefore, this helps keep me aware of what’s going on in the world, and what I should read more about. After discussing in class how some sites don’t offer the most accurate information, I am determined to explore news options and stop only relying on CNN. Although, I really do like the variety of news CNN has to offer. Such as sports, health, weather, etc.By having a variety of news outlets It makes it easy for me to choose what kind of area I  want to explore  and read more about. I also really like how colorful their website is, and how it includes various images. As a reader, this makes the news more exciting and more appealing to the eye.  I would recommend CNN because of its versatility. It has many options for viewers and is a good source if you want quick brief information.


Another news source I often access is ESPN. ESPN stands for “Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (Support ESPN). Throughout my childhood I was heavily involved in sports. I participated in basketball, field hockey, and lacrosse. I especially loved watching sports. I always cheered on my teammates and watched many college and professional games at home with my parents.  ESPN is a great news outlet,  if you're a sports lover like me. This news source broadcasts specific sporting events, up to date scores, and sporting news. I especially love how it offers a variety of sports events that major networks don’t carry. ESPN truly has something for everyone! My two favorite sports leagues to watch on ESPN are the NFL and NHL. This year I actually purchased ESPN + to be able to watch the HPU sports team compete! I am looking forward to March Madness to begin and can’t wait to stay up to date with the help of ESPN! I feel ESPN is a good source because its main focus is world wide sports. If you’re a sports fan ESPN is a must!  

Portland Press Herald:

Being from Maine, I like to keep informed on what’s happening at my home state when I'm away at school. The Portland Press Herald is a local Maine  newspaper. It publishes daily news reports for the Southern Maine Area. At home, I am able to find the daily Portland Press Herald at local convenience stores, online, or home delivery. I Like the Portland Press Herald because it's extremely accessible. As I said earlier, I was heavily involved in high school sports.  I read the Portland Press Herald in high school to be informed on various teams scores and players to watch for upcoming games. Today, you can find several past articles written about my high school team at North Yarmouth Academy and the successful season we had together. Today, I use the Portland Press Herald to keep updated on weather conditions and daily state and federal news! It helps me keep up on what's happening at home. I think it’s important for us to stay engaged with our local state news while also educating ourselves on what’s happening around the world! I feel this is a highly credible source and is a great read if you’re interested in learning more about the state of Maine!

ABC News:

ABC News is another news source which I use to help keep me informed on what’s happening in today’s world. At home, my family and  I watch ABC news together. I appreciate how like other various news sources, it offers 24/7 streaming. Therefore, I can constantly tune in and hear breaking news and various stories. I also like on the ABC News website if you scroll down the page you can see the various news programs they offer. Good Morning America  especially is one show I like to watch. I find ABC does a good job providing news in an unbiased manner. I especially enjoy a good mystery.  Therefore another one of my favorite investigative news programs on ABC is 20/20.  

NBC News:

One of my go to news outlets is also NBC News. NBC is a great source if you want detailed and compelling new stories. Just like ABC News, NBC offers live updates which you can tune in at any given time. Some of my favorite journalists are found on the Today Show and the Evening news. I liked exploring their website and watching top news videos of the day. I found the top videos of the day very entertaining  and eye opening. As a student I  know reading long news articles can be tiring at times, so having the option to watch quick and informational videos is a great source of information. Dateline is yet another investigative program I find interesting and informative. I do sense NBC news leans slightly on the liberal side.  I find more and more news sources are beginning to report with certain influences.  This is something I believe news sources need to be careful of and try to report just the facts.

Blog 12 : Final Presentation

          My relationship with technology first started when I was in the fifth grade. My parents surprised my sister and I on Christmas and...